On Thursday February 6, we went on a field trip to the Museum of Science. During this trip, we saw a presentation of Newton's Cradle and we learned about friction. The presenter had glass cups and plates and stacked them on top of a table cloth. She then pulled the table cloth out from underneath the cups and plates really fast. The glass stayed on the table because of friction.
We then made bobsleds and raced them. We could choose a type of fabric to wrap around it and there were clips, old batteries, straws and pipe cleaners. We each made different unique designs and raced them down a hill.
The lightning show was very cool. I never knew that lightning made noise. I found it very interesting how he went into the metal cage and didn't get struck by the lightning.
The Audio kinetic sculpture was amazing. There were several pool balls that went in different directions and it was kind of difficult to follow just one. It was interesting seeing all the obstacles.